Saturday, December 9, 2023

Corpus-Based Teaching Material

 Hi again, today I am going to share the process of designig teaching material with you. We created teaching material for secondary school with my friend Zeynep Naz İnalkaç 101021076. Firstly we decided to choose the topic modal verbs. We design activity suitable for their levels. While we prepared the teaching material in the first stage, we added some testing the students prior knowledge part. For the other stage we expected the students to conduct corpus searches and also attached inductive discovery part. By doing this sort of planning we want that material guide students by observing and discovery for their own learning.We used canva for material designing.We decide three types of activity in the material such as spot the error, fill in the gap and  finding the true one.The material we designed was actually based on corpus-corpora.Using corpora in language classrooms has proven to be an effective tool in teaching vocabulary grammar and language use to learners of English as a second/foreign language. If teachers are trained on how to design suitable corpus-based tasks, they can help their students get exposed to a broader framework of how English is used for communication by native speaker. That is why it  has a big potential in EFL classrooms.

pairwork with: Zeynep Naz İnalkaç her blog:

That is all I have for today. I hope you have enjoyed. See you in my next one byee for now.

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