Monday, January 22, 2024

Final post

 Hiii, everyone this is the last post the term. I briefly talk about the general impressions of the class. First, the strength of the course might be encouraging teachers to follow technological developments and integrate this technology to their lessons. With the help of the current technological movements like AI, VR, AR teachers can develop new attitudes in their teaching and students can learn more effectively than classical methods. On the other hand I find pretty difficult to work with someone else, especially the ones that unable to take responsibility and people have lack of sense of duty. To be honest, I would expect a person of this age who wants to be a teacher and comes to school for this purpose to have these characteristics. It was a total disappointment. Anyways, my most favorite task was AR,VR teaching material.I think that, the task was quite intresting and colorful. Because one of my interests is traveling to European cities task appealed to me very much. I enjoyed it while completing it and of course it was a bit tiring. The least favorite task and the most difficult one was flipped classroom. In my opinion the task flipped classroom challenged us the most.We did not know how to use the tool to create a teaching video. In the audio recording phase I also experienced problems. I personally think that individual study opportunities shoul also be offered. I am definitely not against pairwork or groupwork, they both make our work easier and enable us to cooperate. But again for the reasons I mentioned above I am not very keen. I recommend the students who would take this course next year that they should study in advance while there is still time and not leave their assignment untill the last minute. This would be the best advice I could give them. The course contribute to our professional development in terms of using technology as an instructor of the future generation. The course aimed to become teachers who can use technology in education. In my opinion it was successful in this regard and reached its goal.

So that is all for this year, I learned so much and hope you learned and enjoyed as well. Wish you all have a good one. Byee everyone.

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