Monday, January 22, 2024

AI-integrated Teaching Material

 Hi everyone, today we are going to talk about the processs of prepearing a teaching material. This time AI integrated one. First of all we are supposed to work with a pair. For this project I work with Zeynep Naz İnalkaç. I have to indicate that group work or pair work is not for me actually. I cannot work with another person and I like to work alone or individually. Anyways, we did our last assignment of this term. I choose the writing part and decide the AI tool as Chatgpt. Topic of the writing assignment is living in a big city. I asked a few questions for brainstorming stage. After that I asked them to write a paragraph about the big city life. I ask them to use chatgpt for getting feedback to their writings. I stated that they needed to make further adjustments based on the feedback they received. So, they used an  AI tool. We used canva again for the AI project.                                    

The advent of artificial intelligence has brought a new development path for education. AI has revolutionized the field of education, transforming the way students aquire knowledge and enhancing their learning experiences. Besides, AI tools have emerged as valuable resources for student seeking to enhance their learning expereinces.

That is all for today I hope you are enjoyed while reading and learned something new at the same time. Byee for now.

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