Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Web-based project (padlet)

         Hey everyone, today we are going to talk about web-based project that we assigned by our teacher.In this assignment expected that we are going to colloberate with friends to make the project.We chose a predetermined topic and the topic is lack of education.So, we identified the topics that we thought were missing in education.We individually wrote them on the padlet but of course we helped each other from the group we make meanwhile.Preferably I do not like working with group but still it was a good experience.At least we went forward by asking each other about the points we did not understand and completed the task succesfully. By the assistance of padlet we share our ideas,we categorize the ideas and it also offered the oppotunity to work together. In this project we work as four people:me(Leman Ergin),Belinay Yiğit,Mehmet Ali Yıldırım and Zelal Şenyiğit.I personally did not use padlet before this project.Thanks to the assignment I learned how to use the padlet app.I think that the app can be beneficial in language teaching.I can also use this application when I become teacher,I think it provide many advantages By means of the project we make together we cooperated with each other,we were contact with each other.This project gained 21'st century skills such as accessing and analyzing information.

     I think it is all for today stay tuned for more post like this.Byee for now

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