Tuesday, December 27, 2022


      Hi everyone,I hope you're all doing well.Today I'm gonna be talking about the podcasting,process of making and the podcast purpose.First of all,I have to mention that podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for dowloading to a computer or mobile device typically available as series new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.As for my podcast,I choose the ''60 second idea to improve the world''which is a podcast series on BBC.Then I create my own podcast in 60 seconds according to the instructions shared before by our teachers.I explain the ''siesta'' or noon nap for making the world a more livable place,I mention that it has beautiful aspects both indivdually and for the world.I posted it on spotify and anchor so everyone can see my amazing bright idea :).I am not sure if I will make my students do this application in the future.But I am pretty sure that this kind of studies have some advantages sides such as development of foreign  language skills,collaboration  self-paced learning,student centeredness motivating students and so on.I worked in this task individually.I did research in places I did not understand with the help of  YouTube. Actually I had to record the podcast over and over again but still it was a different experience.I was happy to see that I was able to handle this task on my own. So,that is all I'm going to share with you for today.                  Stay tuned for more contents like this,have a good one bye everyone  



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