Monday, January 22, 2024

Final post

 Hiii, everyone this is the last post the term. I briefly talk about the general impressions of the class. First, the strength of the course might be encouraging teachers to follow technological developments and integrate this technology to their lessons. With the help of the current technological movements like AI, VR, AR teachers can develop new attitudes in their teaching and students can learn more effectively than classical methods. On the other hand I find pretty difficult to work with someone else, especially the ones that unable to take responsibility and people have lack of sense of duty. To be honest, I would expect a person of this age who wants to be a teacher and comes to school for this purpose to have these characteristics. It was a total disappointment. Anyways, my most favorite task was AR,VR teaching material.I think that, the task was quite intresting and colorful. Because one of my interests is traveling to European cities task appealed to me very much. I enjoyed it while completing it and of course it was a bit tiring. The least favorite task and the most difficult one was flipped classroom. In my opinion the task flipped classroom challenged us the most.We did not know how to use the tool to create a teaching video. In the audio recording phase I also experienced problems. I personally think that individual study opportunities shoul also be offered. I am definitely not against pairwork or groupwork, they both make our work easier and enable us to cooperate. But again for the reasons I mentioned above I am not very keen. I recommend the students who would take this course next year that they should study in advance while there is still time and not leave their assignment untill the last minute. This would be the best advice I could give them. The course contribute to our professional development in terms of using technology as an instructor of the future generation. The course aimed to become teachers who can use technology in education. In my opinion it was successful in this regard and reached its goal.

So that is all for this year, I learned so much and hope you learned and enjoyed as well. Wish you all have a good one. Byee everyone.

AI-integrated Teaching Material

 Hi everyone, today we are going to talk about the processs of prepearing a teaching material. This time AI integrated one. First of all we are supposed to work with a pair. For this project I work with Zeynep Naz İnalkaç. I have to indicate that group work or pair work is not for me actually. I cannot work with another person and I like to work alone or individually. Anyways, we did our last assignment of this term. I choose the writing part and decide the AI tool as Chatgpt. Topic of the writing assignment is living in a big city. I asked a few questions for brainstorming stage. After that I asked them to write a paragraph about the big city life. I ask them to use chatgpt for getting feedback to their writings. I stated that they needed to make further adjustments based on the feedback they received. So, they used an  AI tool. We used canva again for the AI project.                                    

The advent of artificial intelligence has brought a new development path for education. AI has revolutionized the field of education, transforming the way students aquire knowledge and enhancing their learning experiences. Besides, AI tools have emerged as valuable resources for student seeking to enhance their learning expereinces.

That is all for today I hope you are enjoyed while reading and learned something new at the same time. Byee for now.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

AR/VR Integrated Teaching Material

      Hi everyone it is me again. I hope you are doing well. Today I am going to share the process of pepearing ar/vr integrated teaching material. In this project we worked together with Zeynep Naz İnalkaç. First of all we chose the option 1 which is exploring a city abroad. We decided the city as Amsterdam.  For the section one we introduced two landmarks such as Dam Square and Jordaan District. We put some pictures of the landmarks and gave some information about them. We attached the link to a 360 video for students to explore. After that stage for each landmark we added some questions based on what they watch and read on the material. We made sure that the questions were catchy. For the section 2 we decided to introduced the Van Gogh Museum and again added a picture of the Van Gogh and some paintings of him. For the the other part we chose the Amsterdam light festival. We informed the the students about light festival and we added engaging questions. We used canva as a tool for preparing the material.

    One of the key benefits of  VR and AR is the ability to provide students with immersive and interactive learning experiences.VR and AR also offer instructors new ways to present conntent and engage students.These technologies can create engaging and interactive presentations that capture students's attention and make learning fun. 

    That is all I have to share for today. I hope you were enjoyed. See you in my next one, byee for now.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Flipped Classroom

       Hi everyone, today I am going to mention about the process of prepearing flipped classroom video. I worked with  Zeynep Naz İnalkaç on this assignment. Firstly let me clarify what is flipped classroom. It can be identified as an educational and pedagogical method where instruction or lectures take place in an individual learning space instead of a group learning space. Basically the definition of a flipped classroom is the reverse of the traditional method. I want to to share that we decided option two which is ''creating a vocabulary teaching video for 5th grade''. After that we determined the vocabulary for 5th grade level.Then we planned the content of the video. We chose the unit ''my town'' and seven vocabulary related to this unit. We talked about how we are going to present and teach the words we chosen. We watched some videos about the vocabulary teaching for young learners on youtube to be inspired. We used the page animaker to design the video. We tried to make it more fun and interesting for children in 5th grade by adding some animation to the video. It took a little effort at first because it was not an application we had used before. We had trouble adding voice record to our video due to some technical problems, but we overcome this issue by trying it from various devices. It was actually a different activity and experience and sort of stressful one. But at the end we made it, prepeared and submit on time. So let me touch on some benefits of flipped classroom. It can be stated that flipped classroom has many advantages such as it enhances learning, engages students in the process, emphasizes self-directed learning and encourages self-assesment of learning. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of course. It can be a challenging experience for non-tech-savvy teacher and easily hampered by the unavailability of gadgets or good network. Beside that, it can create a digital divide which is something we are not looking for. The last one is increased time in front of screens instead of people probably the worst for me.

        Actually that is all I have to say. I hope you learned something new while reading and you enjoyed at the same time. See you in my next one stay tuned. Byee for now.


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Corpus-Based Teaching Material

 Hi again, today I am going to share the process of designig teaching material with you. We created teaching material for secondary school with my friend Zeynep Naz İnalkaç 101021076. Firstly we decided to choose the topic modal verbs. We design activity suitable for their levels. While we prepared the teaching material in the first stage, we added some testing the students prior knowledge part. For the other stage we expected the students to conduct corpus searches and also attached inductive discovery part. By doing this sort of planning we want that material guide students by observing and discovery for their own learning.We used canva for material designing.We decide three types of activity in the material such as spot the error, fill in the gap and  finding the true one.The material we designed was actually based on corpus-corpora.Using corpora in language classrooms has proven to be an effective tool in teaching vocabulary grammar and language use to learners of English as a second/foreign language. If teachers are trained on how to design suitable corpus-based tasks, they can help their students get exposed to a broader framework of how English is used for communication by native speaker. That is why it  has a big potential in EFL classrooms.

pairwork with: Zeynep Naz İnalkaç her blog:

That is all I have for today. I hope you have enjoyed. See you in my next one byee for now.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Final post

    Hi everyone today I am going to talk about the whole process of Educational Technologies class.I am going to share my thoughts, suggestions.Firstly I want to touch on that I have always been struggling with technology related assignments because before that I knew or ,more clearly, I understood the enough to use it according to my purpose.I had a hard times at first because I did not understand much about technology.I was not one of those children who was silenced at home with a phone and a computer and I feel lucky about that. As such I can say that I started to be interested in technology late and I think it is normal I am not being not so receptive in this matter. But I think this course has made me better at using technology for the specific purposes.To tell you the truth, I think it is very useful and I have gained experience in areas where I do not have experience, that I do not know. We all already know that the place of technology in educaton and the use of technology are important.Now, as in everything else,technology has been integrated with education and has the effect on reinforcing and developing education in many respects.Thanks to this course, we are now sure that technology has become an integral part of education and its place in education is getting stronger with the advances.As for my favorite work in the content  of this course,I can say without a doubt that it is podcasting.I enjoyed prepearing my podcast very much and interestingly it did not feel difficult at all.I can even make a podcast from now on, this topic really stuck in my mind.Friends I work with for digital storytelling also say that my voice is rather good and proper for podcasting, they say I should make  a podcast and share it on spotify:))The best suggestion I can make for the course and operation of it may be doing more individual works.To put it personally I do not like working with the group very much besides I find it exhausting and I am sure there are a lot of people who think like me.

    All rigt everyone I think that is all I had to share.Hope you enjoyed see you in my next one and wish you all a good one byee for now.

Digital Storytelling

     Hi everyone, today I'am going to talk about the process of preapearing our digital storytelling project.This was a group work.We made a group consisting of three person.First of all I want to mention about what is a digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is the art of combining storytelling with with some mixture of digital graphics, text, recorded audio narration, video and music to communicate information about a specific theme or topic.We create a whatsapp group in the first place and decided the type of digital story.We are all have the same ideas and we agreed that we were going to make a public service announcement.We talked about the group that what can we do, we agreed on what we should choose as the subject.There should have been a current issue that also concerns Turkey.Hence, exam anxiety would be suitable as the PSA topic. What information do we want o viewer to know ? We talked details such as introduction, and course of events in the video and audio, we made research o the internet and so on.In the first part of the study, the process went like this.Then we chose the part of our video that we will vocalize and then everyone recorded the piece that they would sound recording.As the final stage, we prepared the video and combined the sounds and we finished our assignment at this point.With this kind of projects we learned to work collectively and also learned help each other where needed an assisment.Personally,I have to admit that it is pretty entertaining, productive and informative.I am not sure if I would make my students do something like this but again it was a good experience for me.

    I hope you're enjoyed whle you are reading.That is all I have for today.See you in my next one byee for now.

Friday, January 13, 2023


    Hi everyone it is me again, I hope you are doing well.Today let's talk about the process prepearing a movie poster.We were expexted to prepeare a poster of a book we were read before.The movie of the book we read is being filmed and we are responsible for the advertisement poster of the movie.For this assignment I used canva.Actually the app is pretty basic and useful.I made the movie  poster without any difficulty,but I had to change it a few times because it was not what I wanted.I personally think that it is pretty funny to making a movie poster. I chose the cast as I wanted.It was very comfortable as we worked individually on this assignment and I was free to do what I want.As said before friends, I prefer to work individually, even though group assignments are an environment where you can consult what you do not know, you cannot do everythink according to your own pleasure.Anyways,I can use the canva app for my students in the future or I can ask them to design anything too.I have not used the app before so I can say that it was a nice experience for me.From now on I will use canva when I needed.

    Thank you all,I guess that is all I am going to share today.See you in my next one, byee for now

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


      Hi everyone,I hope you're all doing well.Today I'm gonna be talking about the podcasting,process of making and the podcast purpose.First of all,I have to mention that podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for dowloading to a computer or mobile device typically available as series new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.As for my podcast,I choose the ''60 second idea to improve the world''which is a podcast series on BBC.Then I create my own podcast in 60 seconds according to the instructions shared before by our teachers.I explain the ''siesta'' or noon nap for making the world a more livable place,I mention that it has beautiful aspects both indivdually and for the world.I posted it on spotify and anchor so everyone can see my amazing bright idea :).I am not sure if I will make my students do this application in the future.But I am pretty sure that this kind of studies have some advantages sides such as development of foreign  language skills,collaboration  self-paced learning,student centeredness motivating students and so on.I worked in this task individually.I did research in places I did not understand with the help of  YouTube. Actually I had to record the podcast over and over again but still it was a different experience.I was happy to see that I was able to handle this task on my own. So,that is all I'm going to share with you for today.                  Stay tuned for more contents like this,have a good one bye everyone  



Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Web-based project (padlet)

         Hey everyone, today we are going to talk about web-based project that we assigned by our teacher.In this assignment expected that we are going to colloberate with friends to make the project.We chose a predetermined topic and the topic is lack of education.So, we identified the topics that we thought were missing in education.We individually wrote them on the padlet but of course we helped each other from the group we make meanwhile.Preferably I do not like working with group but still it was a good experience.At least we went forward by asking each other about the points we did not understand and completed the task succesfully. By the assistance of padlet we share our ideas,we categorize the ideas and it also offered the oppotunity to work together. In this project we work as four people:me(Leman Ergin),Belinay Yiğit,Mehmet Ali Yıldırım and Zelal Şenyiğit.I personally did not use padlet before this project.Thanks to the assignment I learned how to use the padlet app.I think that the app can be beneficial in language teaching.I can also use this application when I become teacher,I think it provide many advantages By means of the project we make together we cooperated with each other,we were contact with each other.This project gained 21'st century skills such as accessing and analyzing information.

     I think it is all for today stay tuned for more post like this.Byee for now

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

21'st Century Learning

 Hey everyone, today we are going to discuss about the 21'st century learning. First of all we have to admit that education is a very important  element for societies.It is seen as the most significant form of investment in future of society and people.In addittion getting a good education is one of the most basic rights of every individual.A good education should aim to develop the student at the highest level both academically, emotionally, socially and physically.Studies and predictions should be made about what kind of reality awaits young people in the future and education should be given in parallel.In the new era, the development of competencies such as critical thinking, creativity,information-media-technology literacy and problem solving skills has become important.For more detailed information about 21'st century learning skills mentioned in the image which is on the right click here. With digitalization,the production and storage of information  has increased tremendously.The educational service has undergone great changes in terms of purpose and learning teaching processes and therefore the field of education in the 21'st century has also taken shape in this direction.

    Almost everyone agrees that the current school system no longer meets today's needs.Uniform

schools and classrooms are far from both attracting students and providing an efficient learning environment.The situation shows that education is no longer fit in school.Teaching methods and techniques developed with today's technological facilities now offer the student a number of magical and exiciting opportunities.Some of these are; technology based learning,flipped classrooms online education,virtual reality,augmented reality etc.As such,the roles of students and teachers have changed and now everyone has become a teacher and everyone has become a student. 

It is all for today,stay tuned for more post, goodbye for now.



Saturday, November 5, 2022

What's on this blog

 Hi everyone,I plan to have content on this blog for ''How to learn English effectively by making it more fun''With podcasts videos and regular publication on leaning English that may interest you with their colorful content easier to learn English in different style.Wouldn't you like to learn English in a more fun and visually rich way instead of just learning boring ways from grammar books? Then keep on following.Have fun you all...